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Showing posts from November, 2021

Post 12: Goddess of Volcanoes

PELE Pele is the Hawaiian goddess of Volcanoes and Flame. She controls the volcanoes of Hawaii and the fires they produce.  Pele is also known as the spirit that shapes the sacred land.  Since she controls the volcanoes she is considered one of the most vital deities in Polynesia. If Pele never existed then the volcanoes would never have existed nor, in turn, would the islands of Hawaii of formed.  She is not a purely benevolent goddess. She seeks to protect those who inhabit her land and protects them from all foreign forces that endanger them. To Hawaiians she is the reason why they have land to live on, beautiful nature, and safety from the volcanoes. Pele in control of volcano

Post 11: Goddess of Retribution

  Nemesis Nemesis is a Greek goddess who looks over all humans for a fault in their character. She is the judge, jury, and executioner of those she watches. Nemesis is the goddess of retribution and she gets rid of those with hubris (excessive  pride and self-confidence). Hubris is found among men and gods and she judges those who have it. Hubris was considered as arrogance and defiance against the Greek gods. Her name roughly translates to  give what is due. She dishes out divine retribution to those who are deserving of it and does not spare any who are at fault of this sin. Nemesis as depicted Nemesis is often depicted with a scale. Scales are seen as the universal symbol of justice and   judgment.

Post 10: The Rain God

  CHAAC Chaac is a deity that was worshipped by the Mayans. He is a congregation of multiple other Mayan deities. Mayans had rainmakers in their villages that would do rituals to summon rain; these rituals were directed towards Chaac. The people saw Chaac as a mighty being that controlled whether they would have a good harvest or not in any given season. In the Mayans ' eyes, if they didn't please Chaac they wouldn't eat.  This made Chaac highly respected and feared among the Mayans and the rainmakers respected within their communities. The Aztecs also believed and prayed to Chaac under the name Tlaloc. Chaac summoning rain

Post 9: Heavens Guardian

  Nu Wa Nu Wa is a Chinese goddess who is one of the most powerful beings. She has created all of human life from minerals and clay and watches over us from heaven. She is also credited with making heaven. Heaven and Earth were damaged in a battle and started to separate. Nu Wa stepped in and slew the being destroying Earth and preventing the disconnection of Heaven and Earth. She created five stones to help her do this, one for each element: fire, earth, water, wind, and metal. She used these stones to defend Earth after the catastrophe. She later went on to rule China with her brother. Nu Wa