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Post 10: The Rain God


Chaac is a deity that was worshipped by the Mayans. He is a congregation of multiple other Mayan deities. Mayans had rainmakers in their villages that would do rituals to summon rain; these rituals were directed towards Chaac. The people saw Chaac as a mighty being that controlled whether they would have a good harvest or not in any given season. In the Mayans ' eyes, if they didn't please Chaac they wouldn't eat.  This made Chaac highly respected and feared among the Mayans and the rainmakers respected within their communities. The Aztecs also believed and prayed to Chaac under the name Tlaloc.
Chaac summoning rain


  1. This is very interesting. I know that many cultures have beings that bring rain in order for a good harvest. The picture you put in your blog makes me wonder if all Mayans imagined that this is what Chaac really looked like. I also like the part where you included that Aztecs worshipped the same god, but just under a different name.


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